Air Liquide becomes Erium

in 12 countries in West Africa, Central Africa and Madagascar.
Groupe Erium Leader panafricain des gaz industriels et médicaux

“This new name opens a new era of expansion, with more agility and autonomy for our clients in Africa.”

Georges DECROP
Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors

Erium, a name and soon a logo

The name Erium was revealed on 23 July 2024.
A first essential step, awaiting
the revelation of the final logo,
which will take place in mid-October.

A new era is coming

An ambitious industrial and human project,
with tripled investments within 5 years,
new factories, skill enhancement, and local governance.

Our Expertise

We transform gases from the air and those generated by human activities into a multitude of effective and beneficial solutions for everyone.

We turn a simple yet ingenious idea into a source of benefits that can improve the processes, outcomes, and sustainability of our clients.

We design, produce, and distribute high-performance solutions involving industrial gases for various sectors:

and infrastructure
and beverages

“To be an agile leader
to better serve our clients.”

Our Ambition

We aspire to become an iconic brand of an industrial and virtuous Africa by being the undisputed leader in industrial gases and associated services.

Our goal is to support progress that is not only economic but also sustainable and respectful of everyone and everything.

Put agility at the heart of our processes.
Build new factories.
Significantly improve our local production
“Erium is the partner of over 12,000 clients, from multinationals to SMEs.”

We are operators, logisticians, engineers, salespeople, financiers, and managers

in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

At Erium Group,we are operators, logisticians, engineers, salespeople, financiers, and managers


decision centers,


Our Commitments

“We are dedicated to doing good and for the good.”

We are convinced that the gases present in our environment* are an essential resource, an accessible resource that we capture and transform to meet the challenges of sustainable and responsible human development.

We commit to:

Valuing gases from the air and from various industrial processes to make them
a source of benefits for our clients and their territories
Adopting an ethical attitude and uncompromisingly respecting
regulatory, safety, and quality standards.

* Ambient air, factory emissions